Sunday, July 17, 2011

El Secreto Sumergeto - Cristian Perfumo

Born in Argentina. Lived three years in Spain and the last two, I spent in Australia. This is my first novel. It is based on a true story that when I first heard I though "Someone has to write a book about it". It ended up being me.

Product description:
Well, since the whole book is in Spanish, I might as well give you the blurb in Spanish. Here we go:
En plena Patagonia, un joven buzo aficionado oye por casualidad la historia de una corbeta británica que naufragó en 1770 no lejos de lo que hoy es su pueblo. Probablemente se trate de otro de los tantos rumores falsos que circulan por Puerto Deseado pero, por preguntar, él y sus amigos no pierden nada. ¿O sí? Tan pronto como obtienen algo de información, un asesinato transforma la inocente búsqueda en una competencia por reflotar, luego de más de dos siglos bajo el mar, un secreto capaz de cambiar la Historia. Pero, si quieren encontrarlo, deberán arriesgar sus vidas.

Q: What will e-readers like about your book?
Fast paced and based on a true story: in 1982 a group of SCUBA aficionados from Puerto Deseado, my home town in Patagonia, discovered a shipwreck sunk in 1770!

Q: Why did you go indie?
I had no writing credits, so it was my only choice. Also, I live in Australia and I was going home (Argentina) for a visit and I really wanted to launch the book while I was there (I had 500 copies printed... and it sold out!). Going indie gave me full control of time.

Q: Who are your favorite authors in your genre?
Arturo Pérez-Reverte and Arthur Conan Doyle.

Link to web site or blog or Amazon/Smashwords:
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